Physical Properties of Cement

Different blends of cement used in construction are characterized by their physical properties. Some key parameters control the quality of cement. The physical properties of good cement are based on:

  • Fineness of cement
  • Soundness
  • Consistency
  • Strength
  • Setting time
  • Heat of hydration
  • Loss of ignition
  • Bulk density
  • Specific gravity (Relative density)

Fineness of Cement

The size of the particles of the cement is its fineness. The required fineness of good cement is achieved through grinding the clinker in the last step of cement production process. As hydration rate of cement is directly related to the cement particle size, fineness of cement is very important. There are three methods for testing fineness: the sieve method—using 90 micron (9 No.) sieve, the air permeability method— Nurse and Blains method and the sedimentation method— Wagnerturbidimeter method.

Soundness of Cement

Soundness of the cement paste refers to its ability to retain its volume after setting.. Good quality cement retains its volume after setting without delayed expansion, which is caused by excessive free lime and magnesia.


Unsoundness of cement may appear after several years, so tests for ensuring soundness must be able to determine that potential.

  • Le Chatelier Test
    The mould is placed on a glass sheet and is filled with neat cement paste formed by gauging 100 g cement with 0.78 times the water required to give a paste of standard consistency. The mould is covered with a glass sheet and a small weight is placed on the covering glass sheet. The mould is then submerged in the water at temperature of 27°-32°C. After 24 hours, the mould is taken out and the distance separating the indicator points is measured. The mould is again submerged in water. The water is now boiled for 3 hours. The mould is removed from water and is cooled down. The distance between the indicator points is measured again. The difference between the two measurements represents the unsoundness of cement.

  • Autoclave Test
    The 25 × 25 × 250 mm specimen is made with neat cement paste. After 24 hours the moulded specimen is removed from the moist atmosphere, measured for length, and so placed in an autoclave(high-pressure steam vessel)  at room temperature and slowly brought to 2.03 MPa, and then kept there for 3 hours. The change in length of the specimen (after gradually bringing the autoclave to room temperature and pressure) is measured and expressed in percentage. The requirement for good quality cement is a maximum of 0.80% autoclave expansion.

Consistency of Cement

The ability of cement paste to flow is consistency.

It is measured by Vicat Test.

This is a test to estimate the quantity of mixing water to form a paste of normal consistency defined as that percentage water requirement of the cement paste, the viscosity of which will be such that the Vicat’s plunger penetrates up to a point 5 to 7 mm from the bottom of the Vicat’s mould.

The water requirement for various tests of cement depends on the normal consistency of the cement, which itself depends upon the compound composition and fineness of the cement.

300 g of cement is mixed with 25 per cent water. The paste is filled in the mould of Vicat’s apparatus (Fig. 5.9) and the surface of the filled paste is smoothened and levelled. A square needle 10 mm x 10 mm attached to the plunger is then lowered gently over the cement paste surface and is released quickly. The plunger pierces the cement paste. The reading on the attached scale is recorded. When the reading is 5-7 mm from the bottom of the mould, the amount of water added is considered to be the correct percentage of water for normal consistency.

Strength of Cement

Three types of strength of cement are measured – compressive, tensile and flexural. Various factors affect the strength, such as water-cement ratio, cement-fine aggregate ratio, curing conditions, size and shape of a specimen, the manner of molding and mixing, loading conditions and age. While testing the strength, the following should be considered:

  • Cement mortar strength and cement concrete strength are not directly related. Cement strength is merely a quality control measure.
  • The tests of strength are performed on cement mortar mix, not on cement paste.
  • Cement gains strength over time, so the specific time of performing the test should be mentioned.

Compressive Strength

Compressive strength is the basic data required for mix design. By this test, the quality and the quantity of concrete can be cotrolled and the degree of adulteration can be checked.

The test specimens are 70.6 mm cubes having face area of about 5000 sq. mm. Large size specimen cubes cannot be made since cement shrinks and cracks may develop. The temperature of water and test room should be 27°± 2°C. A mixture of cement and standard sand in the proportion 1:3 by weight is mixed dry with a trowel for one minute and then with water until the mixture is of uniform colour. Three specimen cubes are prepared. The material for each cube is mixed separately. The quantities of cement, standard sand and water are 185 g, 555 g and (P/4) + 3.5, respectively where P = percentage of water required to produce a paste of standard consistency. The mould is filled completely with the cement paste and is placed on the vibration table. Vibrations are imparted for about 2 minutes at a speed of 12000±400 per minute.

The cubes are then removed from the moulds and submerged in clean fresh water and are taken out just prior to testing in a compression testing machine. Compressive strength is taken to be the average of the results of the three cubes. The load is applied starting from zero at a rate of 35 N/sq mm/minute. The compressive strength is calculated from the crushing load divided by the average area over which the load is applied.The result is expressed in N/mm2.

Tensile strength

The tensile strength may be determined by Briquette test method or by split tensile strength test. The tensile strength of cement affords quicker indications of defects in the cement than any other test. Also, the test is more conveniently made than the compressive strength test. Moreover, since the flexural strength, is directly related to the tensile strength this test is ideally fitted to give information both with regard to tensile and compressive strengths when the supply for material testing is small.

Briquette test - A mixture of cement and sand is gauged in the proportion of 1:3 by weight. The percentage of water to be used is calculated from the formula (P/5) + 2.5, where P = percentage of water required to produce a paste of standard consistency. The temperature of the water and the test room should be 27° ± 2°C. The mix is filled in the moulds of the shape shown.

                                                     After filling the mould, an additional heap of mix is placed on the mould and is pusheddown with the standard spatula, until the mixture is level with the top of the mould. This operation is repeated on the other side of the mould also. The briquettes in the mould are finished by smoothing the surface with the blade of a trowel. They are then kept for 24 hours at a temperature of 27° ± 2°C and in an atmosphere having 90 per cent humidity. The briquettes are then kept in clean fresh water and are taken out before testing. Six briquettes are tested and the average tensile strength is calculated. Load is applied steadily and uniformly, starting from zero and increasing at the rate of 0.7 N/sq mm of section in 12 seconds. Ordinary Portland cement should have a tensile strength of not less than 2.0 N/mm2 after 3 days and not less than 2.5 N/mm2 after 7 days.

Flexural strength

This is actually a measure of tensile strength in bending. The test is performed in a 40 x40 x 160 mm cement mortar beam, which is loaded at its center point until failure.

Setting Time of Cement

When water is added to cement, the resulting paste starts to stiffen and gain strength and lose the consistency simultaneously. The term setting implies solidification of the plastic cement paste. Initial and final setting times may be regarded as the two stiffening states of the cement. The beginning of solidification, called the initial set, marks the point in time when the paste has become unworkable. The time taken to solidify completely marks the final set, which should not be too long in order to resume construction activity within a reasonable time after the placement of concrete. Vicat’s apparatus used for the purpose. The initial setting time may be defined as the time taken by the paste to stiffen to such an extent that the Vicat’s needle is not permitted to move down through the paste to within 5 ± 0.5 mm measured from the bottom of the mould. The final setting time is the time after which the paste becomes so hard that the angular attachment to the needle, under standard weight, fails to leave any mark on the hardened concrete. Initial and final setting times are the rheological properties of cement.

Heat of Hydration

When water is added to cement, the reaction that takes place is called hydration. Hydration generates heat, which can affect the quality of the cement and also be beneficial in maintaining curing temperature during cold weather. On the other hand, when heat generation is high, especially in large structures, it may cause undesired stress. The heat of hydration is affected most by C3S and C3A present in cement, and also by water-cement ratio, fineness and curing temperature. The heat of hydration of Portland cement is calculated by determining the difference between the dry and the partially hydrated cement (obtained by comparing these at 7th and 28th days). The apparatus used to determine the heat of hydration of cement is known as calorimeter

Loss of Ignition

Heating a cement sample at 900 - 1000°C (that is, until a constant weight is obtained) causes weight loss. This loss of weight upon heating is calculated as loss of ignition. Improper and prolonged storage or adulteration during transport or transfer may lead to pre-hydration and carbonation, both of which might be indicated by increased loss of ignition.

Bulk density

When cement is mixed with water, the water replaces areas where there would normally be air. Because of that, the bulk density of cement is not very important. Cement has a varying range of density depending on the cement composition percentage. The density of cement may be anywhere from 62 to 78 pounds per cubic foot.

Specific Gravity (Relative Density)

Specific gravity is generally used in mixture proportioning calculations. The specific gravity of hydraulic cement is obtained using Le-Chatelier flask. Portland cement has a specific gravity of 3.15, but other types of cement (for example, portland-blast-furnace-slag and portland-pozzolan cement) may have specific gravities of about 2.90.

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