Trees are classified as endogenous and exogenous according to the mode of growth.
1. Endogenous Trees - Trees grow endwards, e.g. palm, bamboo, etc.
2. Exogenous Trees - Trees grow outwards and are used for making structural elements. They are further subdivided as conifers and deciduous.

Conifers are evergreen trees having pointed needle like leaves, e.g. deodar, chir, fir, kail, pine and larch. They show distinct annual rings, have straight fibres and are soft with pine as an
exception, light in colour, resinous and light weight.

Decidious have flat board leaves, e.g. oak, teak, shishum, poplar and maple. The annual rings are indistinct with exception of poplar and bass wood, they yield hard wood and are non-resinous, dark in colour and heavy weight.

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