Personnel management involves two categories of functions:
(a) Operative Functions
(b) Managerial Functions

(a) Operative Functions: The operate functions essentially belong to such activities concerned with procuring, developing, compensating, utilizing and maintaining an efficient workforce.

(1) Procurement: Procuring means recruiting the required number of employees with due qualifications and experience keeping in view the importance of achieving the objectives set before the organization. It is mainly concerned with hiring the right people, in the right place, at the right time. It includes activities like manpower, planning, selection and placement.

(ii) Development Development means activities meant to increase the efficiency and skillsof the workers through training and education of employees. It includes activities liketraining, seminars, group discussions, education etc.

(iii) Compensating: Includes activities which deal with the method and standard of remuneration and terms of employment.

(iv) Utilizating: Utilizing means using the services of the employees to the best possible extent. It includes incentive schemes and includes schemes for sharing the profits from higher productivity.

(v) Maintaining: Aims at maintaining good working conditions for the employees. It includespreparation and implementation of health schemes, safety systems etc.

(b) Managerial Functions: The managerial functions include activities like planning, organizing and co-ordinating, directing and controlling the employees. These functions are common to all managers and therefore known as managerial functions. In other they are performed by all types of managers including personnel managers.

(1) Planning: When management is reviewed as a process, planning is the first functionperformed by a manager. The work of a personnel manager begins with developing apersonnel programme. This is done through planning. A plan is a pre-determined course of action to accomplish the set objectives. It specifies what and how operative personnel functions are to be performed. 

(ii) Organizing: While planning decides what management wants to do, organizing provides an effective machine for achieving the plans. Organizing calls for grouping of personnelactivities, assignment of different activities to different individuals.

(iii) Co-ordination: Co-ordination is concerned with harmonious and unified action directed towards a common objective. It ensures that all groups and persons work efficiently, economically and in harmony. Person-to-person communication is most effective for co ordination.

(iv) Directing: Direction involves managing managers, managing workers and the work through the means of motivation, proper leadership, effective communication as well as co-ordination. A personnel manager must develop the ability to command and direct others.

(v) Motivating: Motivation is a managerial function to inspire and encourage people to take required action. Motivation involves guiding and supervising the personnel. Motivation is the key to successful management of any enterprise. A personnel manager must inculate in the workers a keen appreciation of an organizations policies. Motivation can set into motion a person to carry out certain activity. He must guide employees towards improved performance and motivate them to work with zeal and confidence.

(vi) Controlling: Control is the process of measuring actual results with some standard of performance, finding the reason for deviations of actual from desired result and taking corrective action when necessary. Thus, controlling enables the realization of plans.


Human resource managers, now a days wear many hats. They perform mainly three different types of roles, while meeting the requirement of employees and customers namely:

1. Administrative Roles

II. Operational Roles

III. Strategic Roles

1. Administrative Roles: The administrative roles of HRM includes:

(a) Administrative Expert: The administrative role of an HR manager is heavily oriented to processing and record keeping. Maintaining employee files and HR related dataliasis, processing employee benefit claims are example of administrative nature of HR management. These activities must be performed efficiently and effectively to meet changing requirements of employees, customers and the government.

(b) Advisor: It is said that personnel management is not a line responsibility but a staff function. The personnel manager performs his functions by advising, suggesting, counselling and helping the line managers in discharging their responsibilities relating to grievance redressal, conflict resolution, employee selection. 

II. Operational Roles: These roles are tactical in nature and include recruiting, training and developing
employees, coordinating HR activities with the actions of managers and supervisors throughout the organization and resolving difference between employees.

(a) Mediator: The personnel manager acts as a mediator in case of friction between two employees, groups of employees, superiors and subordinates and employees and management with the sole objective of maintaining industrial harmony.

(b) Trainer developer, motivates: Apart from talent acquisition, talent retention is also important. To this end, HR managers have to find skill deficiencies from time to time, offer meaningful training opportunities and bring out the talent potential of people through intrinsic and extrinsic rewards which are valued by employees.

III. Strategic Roles

(a) Change Agent: Strategic HR as it is popularly called now aims at building the organisations capacity to embrace and capitalise on change. It make sure that change initiatives that are focused on creating high performing teams, reducing cycle time for innovation or implementing new technology are defined, developed and delivered in a timely manner.

(b) Strategic Partner: HR's role is not just to adopt its activities to the firm's business strategy, nor certainly to carry out fire fighting operations like compensating employees. Instead it must deliver strategic services cost effectively by building a competent, consumer oriented work force.

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