The Project Initiation Phase
The project imitation phase is the first Project Phase and is usually represented by the conceptualization

of the project. The purpose of this phase is to specify what the project should accomplish. The basic processes of the Project Initiation Phase are: Creation of a Product /Project Description Document. This is an informal, high-level statement describing the characteristics of the product/project/process to be created. 

(a) Project Feasibility Document
This identifies project constraints, alternatives and related assumptions applied to the end product to be developed. Project feasibility is characterized by four basic components:

• Business Problem Description, . Approach Overview to be used to develop.

• Potential Solutions of the problem. • Preliminary Recommendations.

(b) Development of Project Concept Document It determines what is to be done? How will it be done? & why is it to be done? Thus determining the business value achieved after project completion.

(c) Creation of Project Charter

Project Charter formally communicates the initiation of the project. It consists of

• Project Scope

• Project Authority

• Critical Success Factors.

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