PLACEMENT (i) It is an important human resource activity. (ii) Plac…
Advantages of HR Planning Programme s The advantages of HR plannin…
FUNCTIONS OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Personnel management involves two…
The Project Planning Phase The Project Planning Phase follows the P…
The Project Initiation Phase The project imitation phase is the fir…
PROJECT LIFE CYCLE The Project Life Cycle refers to a logical seque…
THE 7-S MCKINSEY MODEL The 7-S-Model is better known as McKinsey 7-…
DECISION THEORY APPROACH Decision theory is an interdisciplinary ar…
OPERATIONAL APPROACH This approach is also known as management proc…
MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Management Science approach also known as mathem…
CONTRIBUTION BY GILBRETH Gilbreth carried numerous studies of indus…
CONTRIBUTION BY CHESTERUN BARNARD Chester Irving Barnard (1886-1961…
Principles of Management According to Henry Fayol these 14…
Objectives of Scientific Management 1. Each task must be scientific…
Principles of Scientific Management by F. W. Taylor 1. Science not …
Advantages of Gantt Charts 1. Gantt charts have become a common tec…
It is accepted as the most important project management tool until today. It pr…
The principal characteristics of timber of concern are strength, du…
Timber cut from freshly felled trees is too wet for normal use and is dimension…